

Middle school families can pick from the following options:

    • A 5 day Home School Program
    • A 4 day Learning Center Program

Home School:

Our home school model for sixth through eighth grade students requires that students and their support person (usually a parent or guardian) meet with their California Credentialed Supervisory Teacher once every two weeks for approximately one hour. During this meeting, students share their coursework with their Supervisory Teacher and oral assessments are conducted on content studied during the previous week.


Learning Center:

Students in grades 7-8 can enroll in a 4-day a week onsite support program where they will combine independent learning with direct instruction taught by credentialed teachers targeting key concepts in all four subjects. This program meets Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am – 1:30. Students can choose to work at home or in the Study Hall on Wednesdays. In addition to tutoring and support, students also engage in an exploratory activities focused on career and college readiness.

In addition to the models of study above, all students have access to the following supports/enrichment:

  • 1:1 Chromebooks – all students in grades 6-8 are issued a Chromebook and bag, which allows them to access their coursework, digital books and complete assignments.
  • College and career planning resources such as, the California CareerZone website, hosted by the California Career Resource Network, which offers learning style assessments and thousands of college and career resources.
  • ST Math, a supplemental tool, supports student’s experience with spatial-temporal math games.  Students will master difficult math concepts and multi-step problem solving
  • Computer Lab/Study Hall: Students have daily access to the Computer Lab/Study Hall where instructional aides are available to assist students with their coursework. The Computer Lab/Study Hall is a quiet area that allows students to take tests, receive help on their coursework, and concentrate on their studies.
  • Student Enrichment: PVCS offers student activities within the community which may include Sea World, San Diego Natural History Museum, Surf Museum, San Diego Zoo, and others.

Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Math Placement Policy